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The capacity of the transmission medium stated in bits per second (bps) or as a frequency. The bandwidth of the optical fiber is in thee gigabit or billion bits per second range. Ethernet coaxial cable is in the megabit or million bits per second range.
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This information has been compiled by: informationsphere.com/community
The capacity of a telecommunications network measured in terms of the amount of information it can carry in analog "hertz" or digital "bits" per second. For example, voice telephone calls can be handled effectively over a "narrowband" network using twisted pairs of copper wire, while video services require "broadband" networks using coaxial cables or fiber optic wires.
Source: United States Information Agency
Additional notice by the Author: This information has been created by people who believes in the freedom of information and want to share their knowledge with others. You are free to copy, distribute, and display the work created under the following conditions: ATTRIBUTON (you must give the community credit), NONCOMMERCIAL (you may not use this work for commercial purposes), NO DERIVATIVE WORKS (you may not alter, transform, or build upon this work). Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from informationsphere.com.
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