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Texas, USA: Houston

© NASA Earth Observations Database

July 1997: The city of Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States. Houston is a port of entry and has the second busiest port in the United States. The city is a major financial, commercial, manufacturing, and transportation center in the southwestern United States. Houston boasts one of the worlds most comprehensive and competent medical centers. The city is located on a delta that was formed during the end of the last ice age some 10000-15000 years ago. Numerous Interstate Highways and other major transportation routes are visible traversing through and around the city. The runways of the George Bush Intercontinental Airport are discernible midway between the center and the bottom center of the image. Just to the left (east) of the airport, the sediment-laden waters of Lake Houston can be seen. A small part of upper Galveston Bay is visible in the upper left corner of the image.

More images:
 Texas, USA: Abilene
 Texas, USA: Abilene - 2
 Texas, USA: Austin, Balconies Escarpment
 Texas, USA: Dallas, Fort Worth Metroplex
 Texas, USA: Dallas, North
 Texas, USA: Falcon Reservoir
 Texas, USA: Fort Worth
 Texas, USA: Gulf Coast, Thunderstorms
 Texas, USA: High Plains
 Texas, USA: Houston
 Texas, USA: Houston - 2
 Texas, USA: Houston And Galveston Bay
 Texas, USA: Houston Area
 Texas, USA: Houston, North
 Texas, USA: Houston, Southeast
 Texas, USA: International Amistad Reservoir
 Texas, USA: Rio Grande Delta
 Texas, USA: Rio Grande Valley
 Texas, USA: San Angelo
 Texas, USA: San Antonio
 Texas, USA: Temple
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United States Of America
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Related Web sites
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Austin: Official Site Of the City
Houston: Official Site Of the City
Texas: Office Of The Governor
Texas: Official Site Of The State
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