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Atari VCS | Send-To | Print | More [syn: Atari Video Computer System]
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The first home videogame system to achieve major consumer success, the Atari VCS (Video Computer System), later renamed the 2600, sported an 1.19 MHz 6507 processor and 128 bytes of RAM. Later VCS-Systems were the 5200- and the 7800-System. Games came on ROM cartridges. Graphically primitive, it was amazingly popular, creating an awesome boom and raking in hundreds of millions of dollars for Atari. Eventually the market became super saturated with bad games and crashed between 1983 and 1984.The top-cartridges for the VSC-System were Centipede, Super Breakout, Missile Command and Adventure (all from Atari), Activisions Pitfall and Namcos Pac-Man. Combat, Space Invaders and E.T. were very popular too. Probably the worst games for this system were: Squeeze Box, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Sneak'n Peek and Alien.
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